Monthly Archives: July 2015

Caledonia Advances in Dizzy Dean World Series

Behind strong pitching from Zack Gorum and some timely hitting, Caledonia prevailed in an unbelievably hot opening game in the Dizzy Dean World Series for 10 year olds. It was so hot that an umpire swap was conducted during the third inning as the original home plate umpire looked like he would collapse at any moment. To his credit he battled through what he could but it became apparent that he was endangering his health and perhaps not doing the kids any favors either. Finally cooler heads prevailed and the game was temporarily stopped while a change was made. Kids from both teams cleared the field and parents sweated under the mid-day sun and heat. I’m certain that parental stress had nothing to do with any stress.

After a new umpire became available (from the looks of him after finishing a prior game) the game resumed.  Caledonia’s opponent, from Bolivar, TN held a slim 2-1 lead after crushing a two run home run.  However, the Caledonia offense woke up and began a train around the bases, running the lead to 7-3.

In the bottom of the 5th inning, after crossing home plate a Bolivar player collapsed and was attended to with cold water and a misting fan.  Play was suspended once again and again the kids cleared the field.  Nervous parents from both team worried about the heat and the safety of the kids who had by this time been playing in temperatures approaching triple digits for over two hours.

Play would eventually resume and Caledonia poured it on in the top of the 6th inning, batting around and eventually taking a 15-4 lead.  In the bottom of the 6th (and final inning; they only play 6 or run-rules) Caledonia’s Sammy Chapman made several slick fielding plays that resulted in two quick outs, and Carson Hollis ended the game by catching a Bolivar batter looking at strike three.

All told the game lasted nearly 3 hours after all of the delays, a time that is similar to many nine inning professional games.  Caledonia will resume play Sunday the 26th at 11 AM.

It what was a thrill for many of the parents, the game was broadcast on a local radio station in Bolivar.  The game was also streamed on the internet, so may families who were unable to attend the game were able to follow the game live.

The Caledonia team is planning to attend a Memphis Redbirds game, the AAA affiliate of the St Louis Cardinals.  The team will be taking photographs on the field.