Monthly Archives: March 2017

2 March Futures Commentary

Disclaimer- The following is presented for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to trade using this data, and I recommend that you not trade futures at all.

Today the markets staged a wide pullback across many different sectors.  All of the positions in our hypothetical portfolio were down, except for sugar.  A continued pull back in bonds will likely result in sell signals in the next couple of trading days, if a rally doesn’t occur.

The lone buy signal for the day was a recurrence of the S&P Midcap 400 signal we’ve received the past couple of trading days.  Still trading the March contract, the stop would be 1667.65.

A quick note about position sizing.  This simulation is based on a notional account of $250,000.  The position quantities are based on risking 5% of the account on each trade, which leave a fairly wide stop.  This is important to avoid over concentrating our risk in any one commodity, while still allowing the market a fairly wide berth so we don’t get stopped out with minor moves against our positions.

1 March Futures Commentary

Disclaimer- The following is presented for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to trade using this data, and I recommend that you not trade futures at all.

Today the system repeated buy signals in Crude Oil(Apr), S&P Midcap 400 (March) as well as the e-mini S&P 500(March). The system was already long all of these positions.
Bonds seem vulnerable due to the possibility of a Fed rate hike in the near future, and stocks seem over-extended. However, I don’t think anyone really knows how this market is going to play out. Using a systematic approach to the markets will help keep you from listening to the financial media and keep you analyzing and trusting your own system. There are certainly trends that you can exploit in this market. And using futures you can broaden your exposure outside of the typical mix of stocks and bonds, into more varied instruments like sugar, copper, gold, live cattle, and soybean meal. There is almost always a trend somewhere that you can follow, if you are disciplined and stick with it.

The initial stop for the Apr Crude is 48.25.
S&P Midcap 400 Mar stop is 1667.65.
S&P500 Mar stop is 2313.25.