Monthly Archives: April 2017

7 April Futures Update

Disclaimer- The following is presented for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to trade using this data! I recommend that you not trade futures at all. Among other things, you can lose more than your initial investment if you do so.

The system continued to give buy signals across the 5, 10 and 30 Year Bonds. There were also sell signals in trades we’ve already closed in Fed Funds,and Soybean meal.
The US airstrikes on Syria made it quite a volatile trading day, with Gold at one point spiking higher, along with bonds, while stocks sold off. However, as more news reports came in, and cooler heads prevailed, the markets really ended largely unchanged despite their intra-day movements. The hypopthetical portfolio has been largely flat over the past 2-3 weeks after a sudden rise in January and February and a large drop in early March.

6 April Futures Update

Disclaimer- The following is presented for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to trade using this data! I recommend that you not trade futures at all. Among other things, you can lose more than your initial investment if you do so.

We filled a 30 Year bond trade on the open in our hypothetical portfolio. The system continued to give buy signals across the 5, 10 and 30 Year Bonds. There were also sell signals in trades we’ve already closed in Fed Funds, Sugar, and Soybean meal.
There still seems to be confusing as to which directions many markets will be going. Copper has been volatile as of late, for example, as well as Crude Oil. We still maintain our long position in Copper but don’t currently have a signal in Crude Oil.