Monthly Archives: July 2017

7 July Futures Update

Disclaimer- The following is presented for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to trade using this data! I recommend that you not trade futures at all. Among other things, you can lose more than your initial investment if you do so.

The system had a buy signal in Lean Hogs. We already have this position in the hypothetical portfolio, so no trade is necessary. There is a sell signal in Sugar, but we’ve long since closed our sugar position so no action is needed in the hypothetical portfolio.

We are very close to a sell signal in Gold. The trend there seems to have changed. This server didn’t calculate a sell signal yet, but another server that I run did. The difference in the underlying data is most likely due to a rounding difference or difference in the precision of mathematical calculations. In any case the difference is very small.

6 July Futures Update

Disclaimer- The following is presented for entertainment purposes only. Do not attempt to trade using this data! I recommend that you not trade futures at all. Among other things, you can lose more than your initial investment if you do so.

The system had a buy signals in Lean Hogs and S&P Midap 400. We already have these positions in the hypothetical portfolio, so no trades are necessary. In addition, there are sell signals in Euro Dollars, Fed Funds, and Sugar, but we don’t have positions in the hypothetical portfolio so no action is needed.