Author Archives: proprietor

crontab and shell script on hosted server

Making things work on a shared hosting server

I recently had to move my hosted server from one provider to another. As part of the move, I had to adapt to differences in the hosting server setup. I chose linux for the operating system of the server, but I wasn’t able to completely control everything as I didn’t have a complete virtual server at my disposal.

First of all, I had to install python. Python 2.7.9 was installed on the server by default, but it didn’t have pip and I wasn’t able to use some libraries that my scripts depended on. In addition, I couldn’t find out how to get it to work correctly. Since my daily update scripts were based on an Anaconda2 installation, I decided to try to install anaconda again and see if that fixed the problem. I downloaded and setup anaconda, and added pymysql using the pip utility provided by anaconda (and not provided by my web hosting provider, necessitating much of the hassle detailed in this post).The anaconda installation did work, however, each time I would ssh into the server I found that the version of python used by default was still 2.7.9, not the anaconda version. Ti get this to work I needed to modify the .bashrc script.  I changed it to

# added by Anaconda2 4.3.0 installer
export PATH="/the/real/path/goeshere/htdocs/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"

After modifying this script, each time I ssh’d into the server I had to execute the following command:

source ~/.bashrc

If I didn’t do this, the server was still using python 2.7.9, the old version which I wasn’t able to get to work correctly.

After this was fixed, I had to copy my files over and fix some sql that referenced the database name in them. Since I was using a hosted server, I didn’t get the choose the name of the server or database. This was causing a mysql 1142 error, stating that I didn’t have permissions to perform a SELECT query. While initially confusing, I eventually figured out that I had referenced the db name in a query and once I fixed this reference, I was back working again.

Once my wayward mysql was corrected, I began trouble shooting my python scripts.  After some work, I was able to get them working but I still had a few things to work out.  Obviously, any references to the user, password, server and database need to be changed to the new server settings.  Once this is done, I was able to use the phpmyadmin provided by my new provider to determine that my python scripts were working.

I then tried to modify the crontab to automate the script.  However, I needed to run the anaconda version of python to use the libraries that I needed for my script, and it appeared that the crontab was using the older version of python.

It is possible to execute multiple commands in one line of the crontab, separating them by either a “;” or “&&” with slightly different results, but I had several problems and couldn’t get this approach to work.  I needed to run the following command first,

source ~/.bashrc

and then change the directory to where my python scripts were located.  i played around with this for a while but wasn’t able to find a solution.  A major problem is that I wasn’t able to access the system log ,where the cron errors are usually stored, so wasn’t able to see why my script was failing and then correct it.  After many different attempts I decided to try something different.

Some searching on the internet led me to try to use a shell script, and then call the script once using the crontab.  I was finally able to get this to work after some experimentation.  Here’s the an example of the script, which I titled

source ~/.bashrc
cd /the/real/path/goeshere/htdocs/python/

The I used the crontab editor and made an entry:

5 18 * * * bash /the/real/path/goes/here/

This script will execute at 1805 every day.

One other note, which may have saved me some hassle–it is wise to make sure that your server is using the time that you think it is for crontab execution.  I found that my server was using the eastern time zone, while I’m located in the central time zone.  This is easy to check in linux using the

date command:

The output will be the server time, something like
Tue Feb 7 22:13:22 EST 2017

How to work around inoperable Fn key

How to disable touch pad with broken Fn key.

The laptop that I primarily use has a touch pad. While I researched the processor, screen, etc prior to purchase, I ignored this part of the computer and have regretted it ever since. Probably due to poor posture or the way my hands are put together, I have a tendency to inadvertently contact the touch pad while typing with wildly unpredictable results. The screen focus or cursor may go anywhere causing chaos and frustration. The touch pads with a separate buttons never caused me such frustration but the one on my computer is very difficult to use.

I discovered that Fn-F7 would disable this touch pad, restoring predictability to my computer operations. Additionally, a usb mouse restored my sanity and allowed me to enjob my laptop despite the touch pad. All of this changed about a week ago when, for some unknown reason, the Fn key stopped functioning. Now I was unable to disable the touch pad and my laptop was frustrating again. How could I turn it off if I couldn’t fix the Fn key?

Fortunately, in linux there is a solution. I’m currently running Linux Mint 17.2. Here’s how I fixed the problem:

First, in a terminal screen type

 xinput list

which resulted, in my case, in the following output:

⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]
⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]
⎜ ↳ Logitech USB Optical Mouse id=9 [slave pointer (2)]
⎜ ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad id=12 [slave pointer (2)]
⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master keyboard (2)]
 ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5 [slave keyboard (3)]
 ↳ Power Button id=6 [slave keyboard (3)]
 ↳ Power Button id=7 [slave keyboard (3)]
 ↳ Sleep Button id=8 [slave keyboard (3)]
 ↳ HD WebCam id=10 [slave keyboard (3)]
 ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=11 [slave keyboard (3)]
 ↳ Acer WMI hotkeys id=13 [slave keyboard (3)]

The key to see here is that the id of the Synaptics TouchPad in my case is 12.  Knowing this, we can turn this device off without having to use the Fn key after all using the following instruction:


xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled" 0

If you’d like to turn the touch pad back on, type the following

xinput set-prop 12 "Device Enabled"  1

You can also make a desktop launcher by right clicking on the desktop and selecting “Create Launcher” from the menu that pops up.