Category Archives: investing

CME Lumber Changes

While I don’t typically actively trade Lumber Futures, I do track their prices. I recently was confused by a change to the symbol at from LS to LB.

I found this very helpful article about the change in the contract. Much more changed than just the symbol, the dimensions and other specifics about the contract changed as well.

The size of the contract is much smaller, from about a train car of lumber to a truck of lumber. Also the prices don’t really match up so this should be added as a new item and not spliced back into the old Lumber contract. This is a fairly substantial change.

Backtrader–notes about multiple data timeframes

I attempted to make a system that uses ATR based on a different time frame than the signal I was considering. Bottom line, that wasn’t successful for trading (at least so far) but I did discover some errors and figured out a way to correct some of them.

First of all, to use multiple time frames I had to include some additional inputs into the original data.

I collected the data using a class I wrote that gets data into a pandas dataframe named data frame, so that is the entry point for the following code:

data = bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname=dataframe, name=symbol, ) 

If I wanted to use a different time frame, I had to modify this code to the following:

data = bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname=dataframe, name=symbol, timeframe = bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, compression = _) 

Then to resample the data, I could use the following statements:

cerebro.adddata(data) #data0
cerebro.resampledata(data, timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, compression = 720, name = '720m') # data1
cerebro.resampledata(data, timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Days, compression = 1, name = '1d') # data2

This including this resampled data did cause some problems. I had an observer that intermittently caused errors when plotting which I removed to allow plotting to be reliable:


Truth be told I didn’t really need that observer but it was in some code I copied when I was just getting started with backtrader.

I also had trouble with an analyzer, specifically the returns analyzer added with the following code.

cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.Returns, _name="ret")

When I used the data feed that included “timeframe = bt.TimeFrame.Minutes” this analyzer would give a nonsensical answer. I don’t know why this subtle difference in the data that shouldn’t really change anything ruins the output of the analyzer but it seems to be the case.